Organic Living Features
News: WorldFest this Sunday!
LA's Green Compassionate Music Festival World Fest is a solar powered celebration of music, the environment, animals and humanity. The event promotes things we can do to help the earth and its inhabitants.
News: Pure Luck
Pure Luck is one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants in Los Angeles. They have tons of vegan options and you can't beat the prices... but it's the organic microbrew selections that really make this place something special and a perfect place to visit on a summer Sunday afternoon. Favorite dish? Tofu pesto sandwich.
Best Organic Juice Bar in LA.
News: Scary Presidential panel report on avoiding cancer
This Presidential Panel Report is full of scary information, but is a must-read. The relevant things you should be aware of:
News: Plastic Kills?
BPA: Why Plastic Ain't Good For You BPA or Bisphenol A is in many of the products we use. Everything from Ziploc bags to shower curtains, we are exposed to BPA all the time.
News: Market Fresh:Cooking through the Seasons in L.A.
A great month to month produce resource for what you should be looking out for at your LA based farmers markets.
News: Were Your Vegetables Picked by Child Laborers?
Maybe. Give me 1 minute 29 seconds. Support The Care Act! Great video Via Good Magazine