News: White House Report Calls for Companies to Stop Marketing Unhealthy Food to Kids!

White House Report Calls for Companies to Stop Marketing Unhealthy Food to Kids!

Childhood Obesity is Michelle Obama's signature issue in this administration. A new report from The White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity calls on food companies to stop marketing unhealthy food to kids. This recommendation comes from a 120 page report, released on Tuesday, which focuses on ways we can combat the childhood obesity epidemic in our nation. 

A Wall Street Journal article published today highlights findings in the report that state "one in every three children ages 2-19 is overweight or obese". It also goes on to state that effective change must be a multilateral approach with change coming from extending current self imposed regulations for food makers, the standardization of nutrition labeling on products and healthier lunch programs in schools. 

Here is a link to the Wall Street Journal Article as well as the White House Report

Happy Reading and Happy Eating!

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